401-232-7575   office@orelc.org    54 Cedar Swamp Road  |  Smithfield  |  RI  |  02917
    Worship: 9:15 AM  |  Sunday School: 10:45 AM   

Welcome to Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church! We organize our thinking and doing into four basic areas of focus: Home, Church, Groups and Others. These four areas are interconnected and work together motivated by the love of Christ.

Announcements, Updates and Upcoming Events


Thanks be to God for those who work in our LCMS congregations and schools! In His great love and mercy, God cares for His people through the men and women serving in church work vocations. The LCMS rejoices and gives thanks for the more than 11,000 faithful church workers who service in congregations and schools across our Synod!

Pray for the church workers at Our Redeemer Church and all the workers of the LCMS, thanking God for their service. Also please pray to the Lord of the harvest for those future church workers whom God will raise up to fill these sacred and joyful roles in His Kingdom.



Join us at  ORELC's Oktoberfest dinner on Saturday, October 19 at 6:00PM. No tickets needed but registration by October 10 is requested. Adults $15, Children $8 (5-12 years), under 5 are free.

Menu includes traditional German fare (Bratwurst, Sauerbraten, Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Red Cabbage, Green Beans and Roasted Carrots. Also Assorted Desserts and Beverages.

Save the date and reserve your seat by calling the church office (232-7575) for reservations no later than October 10, 2024



Church Council will hold the next monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7:00PM. 

Virtual guests are welcome with a link to the Microsoft Teams meeting available upon request. Minutes available by request to the office (232-7575).




Do you know about Our Redeemer Church's chapter of the Lutheran Woman's Missionary League (LWML)? Maybe you've never heard of us before. An auxiliary organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, our mission is to assist people in their relationship with the Triune God so that they can use their gifts in ministry to people of the world.

Regular meetings are held every third Thursday of the month and there is a LWML bulletin board with essential information in the narthex to keep you up to date.

On Thursday, October 17, 2024, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting an in-person meeting at 7:00 PM. 

All the ladies of the congregation are invited! Inquiries about this ministry can be directed to ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett or call the church office  for more information. (232-7575).

On Thursday, December 15, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting an in-person meeting in Martin Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.

This month they’ll be having a devotion, cookie swap and Christmas ornament project for the Sunday School/Confirmation students.

Would you like to know how you become involved in reaching others with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ? Talk with ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett, aastinnett@hotmail.com.

On Thursday, December 15, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting an in-person meeting in Martin Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.

This month they’ll be having a devotion, cookie swap and Christmas ornament project for the Sunday School/Confirmation students.

Would you like to know how you become involved in reaching others with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ? Talk with ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett, aastinnett@hotmail.com.



Christian Education is excited to announce that we will be doing trunk or treating this year on Sunday October 20, following Sunday School.

Kids of all ages are invited to dress up after Sunday School and get some sweet treats.

Members of the congregation are invited to decorate their cars and pass out goodies to the children as they make their way around the parking lot.

If you are not planning to stay that day but want to join in the fun too, consider providing a donation of candy/ water/ granola bars, etc.

Please no witches, ghosts, vampires, zombies, or anything of a scary/evil nature.



On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Looking back, this day is widely regarded as the beginning of the Reformation -- a time of reform in the church through which God drew His people back to the Scriptures and to the good news found there that we are saved by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Join in the recognition of Reformation Sunday by wearing red to worship on Sunday, October 27.

Also, All Saints’ Day will be observed at Our Redeemer Church on Sunday, November 3, 2024.



Register for the Harmony Women's Care annual fundraising banquet:

When: Friday, November 1, doors open 6PM, dinner served at 7PM, program to follow.

Where: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick, RI

How: Register at  Banquet 2024 and type ORELC in the "Church Group or Seating Request" field. 

Why: To stand with Harmony as they serve women facing crisis pregnancies, supporting them to choose life and showing them the love of Jesus Christ.

NOTE: There is no cost to attend the banquet. A free will offering will be collected at the event.

Can't attend the banquet? Show your support by helping to sponsor. Donate online at: https://www.harmonyfriends.org/donate/ or if you prefer to donate by check, you tax deductible gift to Harmony Women’s Care is greatly appreciated! 845 North Main Street, Suite 3, Providence, RI, 02904 indicating CHURCH-ORELC on memo line.



The church office will be closed from Friday, October 11 until Monday, October 21. 

Thank you in advance. office@orelc.org 232-7575.



Who are we?

Our Redeemer is a beacon of faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

What is our purpose?

Leading with the Gospel, Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family of faith, built by God's Grace, fed by His Word, sharing the saving love of Christ.

What is our mission?

What impact will we have?

Anchored in Christ, we will be a congregation known for shining His light into the world, joyfully speaking of our love for Him, and enfolding people in all stages of life into the household of faith.

What are our core values?

Steadfastness - Firm, Fixed, Steady
Compassion - To suffer along side another
Prayer - An act of worship wherein we bring our petitions before God with our hearts and lips and offer up praise and thanksgiving to Him.
Joy - A response of gladness to the work of God

Helping those affected:

The areas hardest hit by Helene are located in two districts of the LCMS: the Florida-Georgia District and the Southeast District (which includes North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia). Both districts are actively working to serve their churches, communities, and neighbors. You can contribute directly to their efforts online at:



LCMS Disaster Relief is assessing needs and opportunities and will be helping with relief. Information about how to support their efforts can be found at: reporter.lcms.org/2024/hurricane-helene-response-initial-assessment-underway/

More information will be shared as it becomes available.

To make a gift to help bring Christ’s love and mercy to those affected by disasters, visit: lcms.org/givenow/disaster

Other Ways to Give: Text LCMSDISASTERS to 41-444 or Donate with PayPal