401-232-7575   office@orelc.org    54 Cedar Swamp Road  |  Smithfield  |  RI  |  02917
    Worship: 9:15 AM  |  Sunday School: 10:45 AM   

Welcome to Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church! We organize our thinking and doing into four basic areas of focus: Home, Church, Groups and Others. These four areas are interconnected and work together motivated by the love of Christ.

Announcements, Updates and Upcoming Events


Please join us on Saturday, January 11, 2025 beginning at 9AM to help put away all the Christmas décor.

Whether you can help for thirty minutes or three hours, many hands lighten the load!

Thank you for your participation! 



Do you know about Our Redeemer Church's chapter of the Lutheran Woman's Missionary League (LWML)? Maybe you've never heard of us before. An auxiliary organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, our mission is to assist people in their relationship with the Triune God so that they can use their gifts in ministry to people of the world.

Regular meetings are held every third Thursday of the month and there is a LWML bulletin board with essential information in the narthex to keep you up to date.

On Thursday, January 16, 2025, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting a ZOOM meeting at 7:00 PM. 

All the ladies of the congregation are invited! Inquiries about this ministry can be directed to ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett or call the church office  for more information. (232-7575).

On Thursday, December 15, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting an in-person meeting in Martin Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.

This month they’ll be having a devotion, cookie swap and Christmas ornament project for the Sunday School/Confirmation students.

Would you like to know how you become involved in reaching others with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ? Talk with ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett, aastinnett@hotmail.com.


On Thursday, December 15, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting an in-person meeting in Martin Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.

This month they’ll be having a devotion, cookie swap and Christmas ornament project for the Sunday School/Confirmation students.

Would you like to know how you become involved in reaching others with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ? Talk with ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett, aastinnett@hotmail.com.



"Life Shines in Darkness” is the theme gathering Lutherans from across the country from Sunday, January 19, through Saturday, January 25, for Life Week 2025. On January 19, we will be observing Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in our worship. 

Plan to join Lutherans For Life for both the online and in-person components! Each themed day will explore a distinct aspect of life ministry through local activities, online educational events, and interviews.

Sign up on their website: https://lutheransforlife.org/life-week-2025/ OR follow LFL on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LutheransForLife



The flagship magazine of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, The Lutheran Witness is a monthly publication (11 issues/year) that offers synodical news, features, columns, Q&A's, and more.

CPH offers a subscription rate through the church of $20.65 delivered to your home.

Sign up with through the church office (232-7575) to take advantage of this special rate by January 26.




Altar flower memorials and thanksgivings are a lovely way to remember loved ones or mark a special occasion.

The 2025 chart is open to reserve your request of the two arrangements ($50).

Please call the church office for assistance. 232-7575. Thank you.




Start your day. End your day. Take a break in the middle.  No matter when you need it, Portals of Prayer inspire you to live each day in Jesus' name. 

Your complimentary 'January - March 2025' copy can be mailed to you by calling the church office (232-7575) or find one in the narthex literature case.

Two sizes available: Pocket and Digest.


Who are we?

Our Redeemer is a beacon of faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

What is our purpose?

Leading with the Gospel, Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family of faith, built by God's Grace, fed by His Word, sharing the saving love of Christ.

What is our mission?

What impact will we have? Anchored in Christ, we will be a congregation known for shining His light into the world, joyfully speaking of our love for Him, and enfolding people in all stages of life into the household of faith.

What are our core values?

Steadfastness - Firm, Fixed, Steady
Compassion - To suffer along side another
Prayer - An act of worship wherein we bring our petitions before God with our hearts and lips and offer up praise and thanksgiving to Him.
Joy - A response of gladness to the work of God