Who are we?
Our Redeemer is a beacon of faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.
What is our purpose?
Leading with the Gospel, Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family of faith, built by God's Grace, fed by His Word, sharing the saving love of Christ.
What is our mission?
What impact will we have?
Anchored in Christ, we will be a congregation known for shining His light into the world, joyfully speaking of our love for Him, and enfolding people in all stages of life into the household of faith.
What are our core values?
Steadfastness - Firm, Fixed, Steady
Compassion - To suffer along side another
Prayer - An act of worship wherein we bring our petitions before God with our hearts and lips and offer up praise and thanksgiving to Him.
Joy - A response of gladness to the work of God