401-232-7575   office@orelc.org    54 Cedar Swamp Road  |  Smithfield  |  RI  |  02917
    Worship: 9:15 AM  |  Sunday School: 10:45 AM   

Stewardship & Giving

Online Tithe and Donations to Our Redeemer

The Simply Giving Program endorsed by Thrivent Financial Bank is a simple, reliable way to make your regular contributions to Our Redeemer through automated giving.

The program is designed to help you conveniently, consistently, and joyfully give financial gifts to the ministry of Our Redeemer, particularly in these unusual times.

Click on this link and let the Simply Giving® Program help you build better stewardship by turning a simple choice into a generous response.

Vanco Customer Support:
8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST

Time, Talent, Treasure

Stewardship demonstrates one’s own understanding of what Christ has done for him/her.

Giving Christ our time, talents, and treasures is our living prayer of thanksgiving to Christ.

It is also our response to Him for what He has done and continues to do for us.


Welcome! Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church (LC-MS) offers members and visitors an easy and convenient way to support us by your tithes and offerings.

We encourage you to make your gift online, whether you attend services in person or virtually. You can make a one-time or a recurring donation, so that your generosity contributes even when you are not able to attend service. Thank you for your support!

Sunday Offering

Serving Behind the Scenes

A special group of volunteers helps prepare the altar and sanctuary for Sunday morning services. This includes things like filling candles, caring for altar linens, and setting up/taking down for communion and baptisms.

Members work in teams and are usually on duty a few times per year. Each member is trained by and works with an experienced member for as long as necessary.

If you are interested in becoming part of this group, contact the Altar Guild Chair by calling the church office at 232-7575.


Follow the link using the button below to offer a gift made in memory of a special Brother or Sister in Christ.

Your gift today will go toward the memorial fund of our congregation to be used for the ongoing ministry of Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Please print the name of the deceased in the NOTES and a name and address for an acknowledgement letter if you so desire.

Thank you and may our risen LORD and Savior Jesus Christ bless you.

Memorial Gifts

Clean Team Ministry

We are incredibly blessed to have four dedicated Clean Teams at ORELC! These folks maintain all the rooms and hallways that Our Redeemer uses from the Sanctuary to the classrooms to the bathrooms.

If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please know that you can give as much or little time as your schedule allows, but usually only one or two hours per month.

Please speak with any Trustee, trustees@orelc.org, to inquire about this volunteer opportunity.


How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. Proverbs 16:16

The church and our families will always be stronger when we are encouraging all our members to attend Education Hour which will help us in this Christian life. Follow the link using the button below to give the opportunity of sharing God’s Word with our members and prospects during Adult Bible Class, New Member Instruction and Sunday School. Donations support books for Christian Edcuation, videos for Adult Bible Class, Portals of Prayer and seasonal devotions.

Christian Edcuation

Join an Usher Team

To the men and women of the congregation, including recent Confirmands, prayerfully consider becoming an usher.

The commitment is once every 4 weeks. Ushering allows you to serve God by serving His people, during a time when you would normally be at church. 

Please speak with the Head Usher if you can help make positive experiences in this ministry. We have four great teams and ask you to join one of them!


We welcome your special intentions, occasions, or memorials on the next available Sunday.

Follow the link below to request a special date to sponsor two altar flower arrangements. Please print your name in the NOTES along with the intention name or occasion.

Cost is $50 for both fresh floral altar bouquets, which may be taken home following service.

Please call the church office if you wish to sign up for a specific date (232-7575).

Altar Flower Donations

Hello & Welcome!

Looking for an easy way to serve your church? Sign up to be a greeter!

We have five volunteers currently so you would only have to serve less than ten times a year!

Greeters are asked to arrive at 8:30 am, pass out bulletins, introduce visitors to Pastor Stinnett, and assist members who worship in the parking lot.

If you are interested in serving as a greeter please contact Jamie Droste, Missions@orelc.org or call the church office 232-7575.