401-232-7575   office@orelc.org    54 Cedar Swamp Road  |  Smithfield  |  RI  |  02917
    Worship: 9:15 AM  |  Sunday School: 10:45 AM   

Christian Education

Adult Information Class (New Member Class)

A new series of Adult Information Classes will begin this Saturday, October 5, at 10:00 AM. This class provides an overview of our church’s beliefs, with a focus on showing where these teachings are found in the Bible. It also gives you an opportunity to ask any questions you might have about what we believe and why.

These classes serve as preparation for membership and Communion at Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church—but everyone is welcome to attend the class, without any obligation to join. The class can also serve as a refresher for those who are already members.

The class will meet at the church on Saturdays at 10:00 AM in Martin Hall.  If you have any questions, please speak with Pastor Stinnett or call the church office at 232-7575.

What is A.B.C.?

Adult Bible Class follows Divine Worship at 10:45AM in Martin Hall and is led by Pastor Stinnett or an Elder. It is a time for the adults to become more involved in Bible study, conveniently at the same time as children’s Sunday School.

It is so important for us to be studying God’s Word, and ABC is such a wonderful opportunity to do that with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Social Board always has a pot of coffee ready and delicious treats to snack on. Come, grab a cup of coffee, and meet with your friends, or make new ones, as you Grow in Christ too!

Hallelujah Trunk-or-Treating

Christian Education is excited to announce that we will be doing trunk or treating on Sunday October 20, following Sunday School.

Kids of all ages are invited to dress up after Sunday School and get some sweet treats. Please no witches, ghosts, vampires, zombies, or anything of a scary/evil nature. 

Members of the congregation are invited to decorate their cars and pass out goodies to the children as they make their way around the parking lot.

Not planning to stay that day but want to join in the fun too? Consider dropping off a donation (candy, water, granola bars, etc.) in Martin Hall by October 20. Thank you!


If Nursery Care is needed during Service, please talk with a Greeter. They will alert our volunteers that nursery care is being requested.

The room is located past the sitting area of the narthex on the right side.

ORELC Sunday School Calendar

Sunday School & Confirmation 2024-25

Sunday School  is for children from age 3 through High School beginning on Rally Sunday, September 8, 2024 following Divine Service.

The Concordia Publishing House (CPH) Enduring Faith curriculum, allows the student to explore the Biblical  stories from the Old and New Testament, establishing a connection to Luther’s Small Catechism; preparing the student for Confirmation Instruction in the 6th grade.  Following Confirmation, Christian Education continues through the Junior and Senior High School years.

Classes are taught by adult(s) with post-confirmation assistants, who are passionate about teaching our children the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

The Sunday School year runs from September 2024 - June 2025 meeting weekly unless otherwise noted on the Sunday School Calendar. Parents of Sunday School children are encouraged to attend Adult Bible Class (ABC) during the Sunday School hour.

Please contact Keith Jager, Sunday School Superintendent at (christianed@orelc.org) with any inquiries/question. The church website (https://orelc.org/orelc-news/education) has more information; or please call the church office at 401-232-7575.

Online Bible Study with District President Beinke

Thursday evenings 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.

Go to: https://meet.goto.com/445850965

Phone: +1 (872) 240-3212, Access Code: 445-850-965.