401-232-7575   office@orelc.org    54 Cedar Swamp Road  |  Smithfield  |  RI  |  02917
    Worship: 9:15 AM  |  Sunday School: 10:45 AM   

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events & Announcements


The church council will host a GOAL SETTING – PLANNING MEETING on Saturday, March 1, 2025 beginning at 9:00AM.

It’s an open meeting, with members are welcome to join us. The hope is for a hybrid meeting, with in person attendance in Martin Hall, as well as virtual participants able to join remotely via Teams. Thank you, Council President, Matt Crowshaw, president@orelc.org

This promises to be an interesting, important time for our church. We need you and we hope you will put it on your calendar and plan to be with us.



LWML Valentine Candy Fundraiser in support of Missionary Rev. Eric Stinnett. Please support Missionary Rev. Eric Stinnett in Ethiopia, where he continues to serve the Lord teaching at Mekane Yesus Seminary.

On sale in the narthex beginning February 2 through February 9, or until sold out!




See you on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in Martin Hall when the Social Board hosts a family dinner. A free will offering will be collected at the door. 

Menu includes corned beef and cabbage as well as chicken and vegetables, desserts, and beverages. All are welcome!

Thank you for making advance reservations! Call the church office at 232-7575 for more details!



Do you know about Our Redeemer Church's chapter of the Lutheran Woman's Missionary League (LWML)? Maybe you've never heard of us before. An auxiliary organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, our mission is to assist people in their relationship with the Triune God so that they can use their gifts in ministry to people of the world.

Regular meetings are held every third Thursday of the month and there is a LWML bulletin board with essential information in the narthex to keep you up to date.

On Thursday, February 20, 2025, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting a ZOOM meeting at 7:00 PM. 

All the ladies of the congregation are invited! Inquiries about this ministry can be directed to ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett or call the church office  for more information. (232-7575).

On Thursday, December 15, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting an in-person meeting in Martin Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.

This month they’ll be having a devotion, cookie swap and Christmas ornament project for the Sunday School/Confirmation students.

Would you like to know how you become involved in reaching others with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ? Talk with ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett, aastinnett@hotmail.com.


On Thursday, December 15, the LWML Women’s group will be hosting an in-person meeting in Martin Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.

This month they’ll be having a devotion, cookie swap and Christmas ornament project for the Sunday School/Confirmation students.

Would you like to know how you become involved in reaching others with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ? Talk with ORELC LWML President Nancy Stinnett, aastinnett@hotmail.com