401-232-7575   office@orelc.org    54 Cedar Swamp Road  |  Smithfield  |  RI  |  02917
    Worship: 9:15 AM  |  Sunday School: 10:45 AM   

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events & Announcements


Thanks be to God for those who work in our LCMS congregations and schools! In His great love and mercy, God cares for His people through the men and women serving in church work vocations. The LCMS rejoices and gives thanks for the more than 11,000 faithful church workers who service in congregations and schools across our Synod!

Pray for the church workers at Our Redeemer Church and all the workers of the LCMS, thanking God for their service. Also please pray to the Lord of the harvest for those future church workers whom God will raise up to fill these sacred and joyful roles in His Kingdom.



On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Looking back, this day is widely regarded as the beginning of the Reformation -- a time of reform in the church through which God drew His people back to the Scriptures and to the good news found there that we are saved by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Join in the recognition of Reformation Sunday by wearing red to worship on Sunday, October 27.

Also, All Saints’ Day will be observed at Our Redeemer Church on Sunday, November 3, 2024.



The Social Board always has a pot of coffee ready and delicious treats too. With Christian education classes running now, could you consider buying snack items or baking some goodies for the Social Board’s coffee hour?

Share your favorite coffee hour treats by signing up for a Sunday convenient for you. Cookies, muffins, and donuts, homemade or store bought most welcome! November & December sign-up sheets on a narthex table and Martin Hall kitchen door. 



Recycling is rewarding and with the help of our office supplies vendor Staples, Our Redeemer Church will earn credits for ink and toner cartridges returned to their store by our Office Administrator.


Please bring your empty cartridges to church and place them in the marked narthex box near the church mail bin. ORELC receives money credits for 30 cartridge returns per month. You can help the church while helping the environment, so please consider our ink recycling program next time your printer ink runs low!