401-232-7575   office@orelc.org    54 Cedar Swamp Road  |  Smithfield  |  RI  |  02917
    Worship: 9:15 AM  |  Sunday School: 10:45 AM   


Connect with LWML

Our Redeemer Church's LWML Board can be reached by contacting the office at 401.232.7575 or office@orelc.org

LWML Website

LWML Facebook

LWML Twitter

LWML Instagram

LWML YouTube

LWML Pinterest


Lutheran Women in Mission

Mission Statement: The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League is to assist each woman of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.


Vision Statement: The LWML is the leading group for LCMS women where each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness.

New England District - LWML



Sept 19 In-person monthly meeting 7PM

Oct 17 In-person monthly meeting 7PM

Nov 21 In-person monthly meeting 7PM

Dec 19 In-person monthly meeting 7PM


Jan 16 Zoom monthly meeting 7PM

Feb 20 Zoom monthly meeting 7PM

Mar 20 In-person monthly meeting 7PM

Apr 24 In-person monthly meeting 7PM (date change)

May 15 In-person monthly meeting  7PM


Our Redeemer's LWML Society has its own bank account for easier accounting purposes and will provide year-end statements for members who desire a receipt for tax purposes.

Your check donations can be made payable to “LWML-NED-Our Redeemer.

Please place your MITE offerings in the LWML basket beneath the member mailboxes or give them to Kristin Jager or Nancy Stinnett.

Thank you for supporting LWML Mission Projects!

LWML Mite Boxes

Based on the Biblical account of the widow's mite (Mark 12:41-43), the Mite Box is intended for regular contributions of "mites" — offerings above and beyond the support given to the congregation and the Synod. Mite Box contributions amount to millions of dollars that fund district and national mission grants.

The LWML has collected over 127 million dollars since 1942. These coins have, and will, continue to make a difference. Thank you for contributing to the Mite Box and providing the opportunity for us to spread the Gospel to the world. Please write your name on your Mite Box before you place it in the "MITE BOX" basket in the narthex. Thank you.

The mission of  Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world. Give All Thanks and Praise to God!

NED LWML Spring Rally

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 54 Cedar Swamp Road, Smithfield, RI
Saturday, April 26, 2025 Noon - 3:00PM.
"Growing in God's Grace"

Guest speakers: Dr. June Merwin, LWML NED President & Leslie Colligan, Eastern Zone President

There will be a door offering for NED–mites.

In-gathering: Northern RI Food Pantry.

Lunch provided, $10 suggested registration by April 21 please.

We look forward to seeing you all! Questions, please call ORELC at 401-232-7575.

Nat'l Convention

Date: June 26–29, 2025
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Theme: Growing in God's Grace
Scripture Verse: But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (2 Peter 3:18).
Goal Statement: Through Word and Sacrament, I will grow in grace to serve our Lord and proclaim His glory.

Online registration for the 2025 LWML Convention is open!

Read all about it https://www.lwml.org/convention