401-232-7575   office@orelc.org    54 Cedar Swamp Road  |  Smithfield  |  RI  |  02917
    Worship: 9:15 AM  |  Sunday School: 10:45 AM   

Welcome to Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church! We organize our thinking and doing into four basic areas of focus: Home, Church, Groups and Others. These four areas are interconnected and work together motivated by the love of Christ.

Who are we?

Our Redeemer is a beacon of faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

What is our purpose?

Leading with the Gospel, Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family of faith, built by God's Grace, fed by His Word, sharing the saving love of Christ.

What is our mission?

What impact will we have? Anchored in Christ, we will be a congregation known for shining His light into the world, joyfully speaking of our love for Him, and enfolding people in all stages of life into the household of faith.

What are our core values?

Steadfastness - Firm, Fixed, Steady
Compassion - To suffer along side another
Prayer - An act of worship wherein we bring our petitions before God with our hearts and lips and offer up praise and thanksgiving to Him.
Joy - A response of gladness to the work of God

Announcements and Upcoming Events


During the season of Lent, we will be offering a series of Wednesday Evening Lenten Services to help focus our hearts and minds on Jesus Christ, the price He paid for our salvation, and the eternal blessings we have in Him.

In this year’s series of Wednesday Evening Lenten Services, we are focusing on the theme “The Gospel in Exodus: Set Free.”  

The series runs on Wednesday evenings on March 12, 19 & 26, and April 2 & 9 at 7:00pm. 


Leading up to our 5th Sunday fellowship meal on March 30, we will be collecting donations for the Northern RI Food Pantry in Cumberland, RI, in support of Benjamin Lepre's service project "Bright Start."

Please bring cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, or other items that would help make a morning brighter for families in need. 

A basket is in the foyer for your donations. Thank you so very much! 


You are invited to a potluck meal in Martin Hall following the Divine Service on Sunday, March 30, 2025.

Please bring an appetizer, salad, entrée, or dessert to share. Signup sheet in the narthex for proper kitchen planning.

See you there! 


The Altar Guild will be adorning the sanctuary for Palm Sunday and the celebration of Our Risen Lord at Easter.

An offering envelope for your "Flower Fund" donation is now available. If you wish to make an Easter intention with any donation, please fill out an envelope and place it in any collection with your donation before April 6.  

Checks payable to "ORELC" indicating "FLOWER FUND" on the memo line are very much appreciated 

Click here for a blank Flower Fund slip Thank you for your support. 


Have you considered being a Sunday School teacher, but not sure what you’re getting into? 

Perhaps observing the teaching of our congregation’s children may help. If interested please email Keith Jager (christianed@orelc.org), Christian Education Chair, and he can arrange for you to visit a grade level that interests you.



It's time to spring clean the church building on Saturday, April 5, beginning at 9:00AM!

Please consider helping whether for a few minutes or a few hours to help make the celebration of Easter even more beautiful. 

The ORELC Trustees thank you in advance for your participation! 


Our Redeemer is adopting local families in need this Easter by providing food baskets.

If you would like to help, please sign up in the narthex to bring in a specific item from the list. 

All donations need to be brought in by Palm Sunday, April 13. If you have any questions or would like to make a monetary gift, please call the church office, 401-232-7575. Thank you for your support! 



Join the Women's Weekly Bible Study group on Wednesday evenings beginning April 30, 2025 at 7:00PM via ZOOM for an online Bible study from CPH entitled: “LifeLight Foundations – Pslams.”

Please register before April 9 with Susan Smith or Kristin Jager or contact the church office (232-7575) for more details.

Cost is $15 for the study guide with checks made payable to ORELC, memo line: Bible Study. Thank you!



Start your day. End your day. Take a break in the middle.  No matter when you need it, Portals of Prayer inspire you to live each day in Jesus' name. 

Your complimentary 'April - June 2025' copy can be mailed to you by calling the church office (232-7575) or find one in the narthex literature case.

Two sizes available: Pocket and Digest.